What does Hide Alerts mean on iPhone and How do you enable it?

Last Updated on August 13, 2024 by Humera Hallari

Are you getting too many notifications and want to mute it without changing your iMessage notification settings? Well, Hide Alerts is Here. Like the time-sensitive Notification Feature, the iPhone also has a Hide alert feature. Want to know more about what Hide Alerts mean and how you enable it? then read the article below.

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What does Hide Alerts mean on iPhone?

Hide alert is one of the features in your iMessage app that allows you to manage notifications. It is an advanced feature that allows you to mute notifications for specific contacts without blocking them. The hide Alerts feature is very useful when you want to get rid of continuous notifications without missing important updates.

The Hide alert feature is available on all iDevices like iPhone, iPad, and Mac. Enabling Hide will do the following things,

  1. Enabling hide alerts will also stop visual notifications therefore you won’t see any pop-ups or alerts on your lock screen.
  2. No notification sound or vibration will be there if any message is sent from the conversation with hide alerts enabled.
  3. You will receive messages from the receipt but no alert sound will be there.

How to enable iMessage Hide alerts?

Hide alert is the best feature to mute notifications from one person. Enabling the hide alert feature will only mute the notification for that conversation without blocking it. So you will continue to receive its messages. Follow the steps below to enable iMessage Hide alerts. Know more about how to manage notifications on your iPhone.

Method 1 – Enable hide alerts by tapping the Purple   the Mute button icon.

Step 1 – Open the Messages app on your iPhone.

Step 2 – In the Messages list, Swipe left on the conversation you want to enable hide alerts.

Step 3 – Now tap the purple icon with   the Mute button symbol.

Step 4 – Alternatively you can also tap and hold the particular conversation to open the advance feature and now tap the hide alerts feature to enable it.

Method 2 – Enable hide alerts for group conversations

Step 1- Open the Messages app on your iPhone.

Step 2 – Now open the conversation in your iMessage app.

Step 3 – Now tap on the senders or group name on the top to open settings.

Step 4 – Now tap on hide alerts to enable it.

When you hide alerts does it tell the person?

The answer is no. The person will not be notified when you enable hide alert for them. It simply mutes notifications for that person without them knowing or affecting how you receive their messages.

Do hide alerts show notifications silenced?

Well, the answer is no. The hide alerts will only silence notifications for particular conversations. Enabling Hide alerts will not affect the overall notification settings of the device. You can simply use the hide alert feature to avoid spam notifications or to keep conversations confidential during group meetings.

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