Visual Studio 2017 Offline Installer

Last Updated on January 4, 2024 by SanaModi

Visual Studio 2017 has been released, in addition how to download it (Visual Studio 2017) is using a new method introduced by Microsoft, namely through WebClient technology, BITS, and WinInet method. Indeed there are advantages and disadvantages of their own, with the new method of downloading Visual Studio 2017 like this, then we can choose the option to simply download any package we need, so not all Visual Studio 2017 packages have to download.

Also after we tried Visual Studio 2017, there are some updates that we think are very important, the following are:

  • Writing program code that is displayed with a border to make it easier to see long and complex code structures.
  • Faster with method, we call asynchronous/lightweight solution load, making Visual Studio 2017 faster when used to open and create a project. This is because when you open a solution that has many projects not all will be opened, but only what is needed, not the same as the previous version of Visual Studio.
  • The updated start page and open project views look more neat and orderly.
  • Has 4 theme colors.
  • It has a more flat design.
  • Faster searching and resolving bug issues in the code that you create.
  • Faster in developing apps especially for mobile versions like Android, windows phone, iOS, and cross platform.
download visual studio 2017 offline installer
Visual Studio 2017 New Features

That’s the features and advantages contained in the latest Visual Studio version 2017. To make it easier for you to download Visual Studio 2017, we provide the download link in the form of single link in the archive, there are two ± 2GB if you only need desktop application development package, and ± 23GB if you need full package to develop mobile and desktop applications.

Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise Version
Visual Studio 2017 Community Version
How to Extract Files Part? See Here !

33 thoughts on “Visual Studio 2017 Offline Installer”

  1. Can you upload 2017 professional for desktop development VB, C# and C++ with high compression 7z format?

    FYI: Community 2+GB not working access denied.

      • I downloaded all two parts but there is still that error.( Enterprise Version)
        When I see this window and then select the second part,winrar extracts second part only. I’ve tried it more than seven times.
        ( Can I give u a video?)

  2. What is the size of the folder after extract and does it contains all the workloads or not and will it work in windows 7 with service pack 1 installed

      • Why idm(internet download manager) is not downloading the 2nd part.I have downloaded 1st part with idm but second part is not if I pause the download by my browser will it allow me to continue next day

      • I mean in my one of the old pc I have windows 7 with service pack installed I have also updated the powershell to powershell 4 and Microsoft given in his article that windows 7 with service pack 1 with powershell 3 can run this easily so can you tell me whether should I go with visual studio 2017

      • Okay I think i should give a try to visual studio 2017 because in the official system requirements given by Microsoft says that it can work on windows 7 service pack1 just we have to make sure that our windows is updated anyway thanks a lot for replying my question.

  3. Thank You Jack.

    The installer was a bit fiddly, but that’s Microsoft’s fault, not yours.
    Took a bit of manhandling to get past, but it’s doable (use Google to discover).
    Works like a charm.


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