Last Updated on January 5, 2024 by SanaModi
Keyboard Tester works to check whether your computer keyboard is in a normal state or not, so that after you check the function of the keyboard, you will know what buttons and characters are still working properly.
To check the condition of your computer keyboard, how very easy, simply by double-clicking the application keyboard tester, and do the testing by pressing the button on your keyboard one by one, if the response is normal and the indicator color is green, then the condition of characters on your keyboard is still in normal circumstances, but if there are other indications like the button continues to be repeatedly squashed, or character color on your keyboard is red, then chances of the keyboard having an error or problem is very likely to happen. So you can immediately make repairs.
In addition to checking the condition of the keyboard, this application can also check the condition of your mouse.
To download a portable keyboard tester, you can download it through the following link.