Sana Modi is a technology expert and content writer at nosware. She has a tremendous knowledge of the latest social sites apart from social media, she also examined the latest games and laptops and has personally reviewed the products. She loves to explore all the social media sites and research them.
Last Updated on November 10, 2022 by Humera Hallari
If you want to coloring Linux terminal that using standart system, you can do with the following knowledge.
Style Foreground Background ----------------------------------------- NORMAL=0 FG_BLACK=30 BG_BLACK=40 BOLD=1 FG_RED=31 BG_RED=41 UNDERLINE=4 FG_GREEN=32 BG_GREEN=42 BLINK=5 FG_YELLOW=33 BG_YELLOW=43 REVERSE=7 FG_BLUE=34 BG_BLUE=44 FG_MAGENTA=35 BG_MAGENTA=45 FG_CYAN=36 BG_CYAN=46 FG_GRAY=37 BG_GRAY=47 FG_DEFAULT=39 BG_DEFAULT=49 NOTE: Not specifying a style, foreground, or background code in the escape sequence is the same as entering the normal or default value.
b Insert the baudrate of the current line. d Insert the current date. s Insert the system name, the name of the operating system. l Insert the name of the current tty line. m Insert the architecture identifier of the machine, e.g., i686. n Insert the nodename of the machine, also known as the hostname. o Insert the domainname of the machine. r Insert the release number of the kernel, e.g., t Insert the current time. u Insert the number of current users logged in. U Insert the string "1 user" or "<n> users" where <n> is the number of current users logged in. v Insert the version of the OS, e.g., the build-date etc.
Example to change the text color (foreground) to bold blue…
Example to change the text color to normal blue and change the background to cyan…
Example to revert back to the default style, text, and background…
This example of direct command using syntax
# echo -e '\e[1;31mUbuntu\e[0m' > /etc/issue